Something NEW!!

Today I want to encourage you to live your life with gratitude and an open mind. Don’t just go about your day-to-day routine. Learn or do something new today.

  • Eat at a new restaurant or cook something you’ve never made
  • Start reading a new book
  • Listen to your favorite song in a different language
  • Take selfies
  • Dance like no one is watching

That’s just a few ideas, but come up with your own “something new” list.

Life is short. Don’t make it boring too! People do amazing things all the time and you can be one of those impressive people too, if you don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back.

My “something new” for today will include, but is definitely not limited to, cooking something I’ve never made or even had before, Orange Chicken (Yikes! It will taste amazing, I’m speaking it LOL) Starting a new book, Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod (I will let yall know my review for it) And I will be listening to numerous songs in Spanish, I have too many favorites. Taking selfies and dancing like no one is watching is part of my daily routine, LOL hahaha 😉


So let loose, open your mind to something different and get started on living a great, fulfilling life! Please feel free to comment your “something new” below 👇 and as always like and share! Have an outstanding day people.

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